Sunday 21 October 2012

Bit Flat

Recently I have been a bit flat on the drawing front. I feel like there is so much I could do I mostly run around trying to give time to all the projects and then end up doing very little. I never seem able to finish anything its like I very nearly finish it and then think 'oh god this is all wrong, I'll have to start I'll do something different.'

Anyway, the only thing I can think to do in this situation is to just keep going, keep ploughing on with projects and when I'm in doubt go back to them later. The thing is more ideas keep popping in and I want to do them :os

Monday 24 September 2012

The Flying Baby Again

I don't mind saying that I feel a little defeated recently. There is a lot of boring stuff going on, but somehow it seems to have trickled into my creative world and that is hard.

Anyway, this isn't a bitter blog. I'm not going to try to fathom why people do what they do.
I really wanted to share some of what I have been doing because it is working on something I enjoy that has stopped me worrying and that.
Recently I have been reworking a story I wrote two years ago. I'm not sure it was a wise move for someone with so little time especially since I don't really know if the story is that strong.

But I have enjoyed doing the pictures again and changing them. Even if I do despair of  my scanner, which likes to create ripples and shadows where there are none. It is a bit old and I'm a bit poor.

It isn't finished by any stretch, but I hope you like the pictures. It has been nice having my own thing. I can't really imagine ever not working on a story or something of my own.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Art Dump 4

Yet again dumping art that has absolutely nothing to do with each other or a purpose behind it. Just so messy :os Some is even unfinished...alright most is unfinished.

Mostly just sharing a few things I liked and haven't shared before. I really wanted to do this one in more detail - it was just a sketch - but never got round to it or found a reason to.

This one was one of the pictures I tried to sell when I sold horse pictures back in 2005. Its a bit odd especially the mane not quite sure what I was thinking here.

This was a page of a book I made about Lily's day.

And this one is Romeo is the wind. Quite keen of this sketch. I always like sketches of horses better than ridged, sort of Stubbs-esque paintings.
Well that's it for now. There is more...a lot more.

Saturday 25 August 2012

The new routine

I'm so tired. Lily has had a little change to her routine lately and this has meant the disappearance of naps at home. Instead I'm walking around town until she falls asleep. The other day I took my sketch book.
Its not great, but I never NEVER do landscape pictures. I'm quite proud of this one.
One of Stow's pretty spots with a duck (obviously)

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Sketches - its been a while

Despite trying something new by crafting and actually creating things that can be sold. I can't stay away from paper and pens. I have been sketching and stashing bits of ideas more than ever recently. The place is crammed with scraps of paper. I'm sure they are going to make some sort of channel 4 documentary about it :os

 I have just got back from Essex where I have been looking after my brother's lovely dog and only took a sketch book - mostly because of Lily's ever increasing wardrobe and toy collection. This led to some observation drawings. I did landscapes, but they have always been a bit frustrating for me, so I drew my favourite subject Lily seen above.
 I then decided I would attempt a self portrait something I haven't attempted since 2006. It was a bit of an eye opener. I have changed loads, quite apart from the lines and dark circles under the eyes my face is thinner, my eyelids heavier, my nose much straighter. I haven't looked at myself for ages. My eyebrows just about looked ready to crawl away :os
 My eyes are a bit big in this one.It has got so hard to draw a faithful picture.

This is me looking a little bit worried by the whole experience :os I'll just stick to drawing Lily next time.

Puff and Mim and the worse bit of stamping ever seen

Hello I haven't written for a while. I started up Puff and Mim's Boutique a little while ago and have been sewing and doing things for that. It has been fun, but like most of my endeavours not really that successful. I have enjoyed it though so far. Please pop over if you have the chance

 A little while ago knowing that I am awful at handwriting (I can't even join up) I brought letter stamps. I'm not sure it was one of my better ideas to be honest. Yes I love them, but no they really don't look that wonderful. I have also got completely carried away using them I can't help myself.

I have made quite a few horsey things and have horsey necklaces that I have to put up for sale so I thought these would make a nice tag to go with them. I also have owl bags in the making and owl necklaces so owls in hats were created.

 I am also considering having a Puff and Mim blog about what they have been up to, but this is only if I can organise my time and avoid sleep deprivation. Will keep you posted luv ellie x

Sunday 8 January 2012

Art Dump 3

I never get to paint like this anymore. In fact its been years since I painted with acrylic and I love it so much. The thing is its too messy and time consuming these days.

These paintings were all done back in 2005 I think when I had a fanciful notion - for about a fortnight - that I could make money by painting. I sold about five pictures before realising I was bearly covering the cost of materials and working for about 10p an hour.
This first never got finished. Its an odd one a shows off how awful I am with composition amongst other things. There is a practical side to me that wants to say I'll use the canvas for something else, but really I love this picture. I have no idea why or what to do with it.

This is me. This one may be painted over but since I haven't painted with acrylic for so long I'm worried I may not be able to paint as well. 

This last one I don't know what to do with. By the subject's own admission this wasn't a very honest picture though it brings back a lot of memories. I might just put him back in the cupboard for a bit longer.

Resolution: complete 1 acrylic painting in 2012